family services process

Education Consultant Process

Every family receives free 30 minute consultation over the phone. This is a time for family members to ask questions and learn more about what services are offered. After this initial consultation, the following are the typical steps taken to assist your family. Keep in mind that every case is unique to each family and youth.


Amy will meet with your family to discuss educational concerns, barriers and goals of working together. An evaluation of all educational history reported and educational records are reviewed. At this time, Amy will begin to find the right schools for the youth to fit the need and determine any further testing, evaluations, etc that may be necessary to have a better overall picture of youth’s academic need. If youth needs mediation in home school, Amy will work to build those connections and coordinate collaboration of all systems involved.


Depending on your families identified goal, Amy will meet virtually with family to provide the various academic settings available to youth that would meet all academic needs of youth. Amy will also work with family to mediate and collaborate with current school to maintain youth in current setting if appropriate.

Monitoring & Advocacy

Once an academic setting is stable and youth is enrolled and attending successfully. Amy will monitor youth’s progress and check in with family until an end date is determined. Amy can also outreach to closed cases to ensure youth is still finding success in school and if anything more is needed.

Each consulting contract includes supports for transition from programs, aftercare supports, follow up with families and youth for updates. Additional assistance, guidance and advocacy are always available if needed.